Garazi Larrañaga Jaurrieta

Garazi Larrañaga Jaurrieta studied Mechanical Engineering at the University of the Basque Country, where she later completed a M.Sc. in Advanced Materials Engineering. After that and following her interest on materials for biomedical applications, she did a second M.Sc. in Biomedical Engineering at the International University of Valencia. Here, her master thesis was focused on the application of 3D printing to study osteoarthritic cartilage and was developed at the BioSmarTE group (POLYMAT).

Nowadays, she is working on her PhD thesis in collaboration with the Regenerative Medicine group of CICbiomaGUNE, with the aim of designing 3D printed scaffolds based on interpenetrated networks that restore the electrostatic balance of the cartilage, allowing an adequate stress-transfer to chondrocytes, reducing inflammation and promoting the formation of a healthy tissue.